Monday, September 1, 2008

Gustav Knows No Politics

Gustav, the hurricane that washed political debate off the airwaves, may have finally got our attention as Americans. "We are in deep trouble."
Our decisions are not long thought out. Didn't Katrina tell us emphatically you can not build in low lying areas and flood zones and carry on the "business as usual" scheme? Didn't Katrina tell us that there are no barriers in the sea to protect oil rigs and pipe that when offline, send oil prices surging? Didn't Katrina tell us we need to recover our wetlands?
And, yet some will say let us debate what our eyes have seen, the validity of the cries of those who have suffered under the special interest and political policy decisions that contribute to their fate. Yes, let us debate who told the story best that often carry subtle analysis that contribute to citizens belief that the technology that is in place to warn of danger can also somehow alter it as well. Our good sense must break through and come to the fore. Gustav today rages. And, it is not the last storm on the horizon. More lives lost, more property, more money, more excuses, more debate are still a part of the resettlement plan. Our arms are figuratively and literally to short to box with God. Real leadership understands this and it knows no politics.

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