Monday, February 12, 2007

Three Women Impervious To Challenge

There names: Pelosi, Rice and Clinton... three powerful, determined, purposeful women, each an unbridled political force in their own right and each a household name and symbols of grace and audacity. Nancy Pelosi’s elevation to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and second in succession to the Presidency is a historic first for a woman, who with a mothers’ love and the will of a deft politician vows to wage war with the White House and oversee bringing an end to U.S. involvement in the Iraq civil conflict.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice astutely balances world order by negotiating the deadly and unpredictable waters of the Persian Gulf region and the Korean peninsula, where in February 2007 a deal is struck that halts North Korea’s illegal development of nuclear arms and allows international weapons inspectors entry into the country for the first time in four years; along with prospects of signing a peace treaty that officially ends the U.S.-Korean war. Secretary of State Rice also keeps watch over the tide of disease and genocide sweeping the African motherland while monitoring natural and man made phenomena that has triggered an unabated rise in global temperature.

A stratospheric step in American politics is taken by U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton who announced her candidacy for President of the United States...She is not the first woman to do so...Senator Clinton has the clout, stamina and experience to be successful in spite of the distance, drudgery, dogged schemes to derail or even to embolden her quest. I am reminded destiny will neither be rushed nor denied. Watching these three women, impervious to challenge, is inspiring. Watch them and learn.

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