My many years of appointment viewing of Meet The Press tells me that Tim Russert was a man who, among other things, would say to his staff do your job. Find the good information, check, double and triple check the facts for accuracy, gather views con and pro and report it to the public, then let the chips falls where they may. That to me is what journalism is all about. It is not about leaving it up to the consumer/viewer to determine whether the "reporter" is making the information up. Journalism is not a game, so stop playing at news and do the job. Mr. Russert did show us that getting at the truth can invoke intrigue and drama, although it need not be manufactured (hype). In our farewell to Mr. Russert, we may reflect on his considerable body of work as a journalist, bureau chief, reporter and moderator, and know that he indeed understood his job and he did it well.